How to make a homemade generator with household items
Use of renewable energy is now being harnessed by many people as calls for environmental protection and natural resources conservation are being the talk of the town. Consumers also are now finding ways and means not only to help mother nature but also save and spare money from the cost of daily living which is now becoming higher and higher.
Maybe you’re preparing for a long-term emergency and want to generate your own power if the grid gets wiped out.
Maybe you’re living in a cabin in the wilderness, sustained by the land, supported by Mother Nature.
Perhaps you dream of off-grid independence and self-reliance.
Maybe you’d like to knock a few dollars off your electric bill or even get rid of it completely.
Maybe you don’t feel like spending the money on something like The Patriot Power Generator.
Or maybe you want to do it for the pure joy of making functional science.
Regardless of your reason, the goal is always the same; to produce and consume your own electricity.
Now, living off the grid doesn’t require electricity. You can go off grid without it. Human beings have survived all across the world for tens of thousands of years without it.
It’s possible to make camp and sustain yourself without electricity. Instead of light bulbs, use candles. Forget the furnace, use the heat from a fireplace. Instead of an oven, use a wood-stove and thick blankets. You can make it with the right set of survival books, and woodsman know-how.
But electricity makes life a lot easier. And most would also agree it makes like better.
For example, a refrigerator and freezer are very difficult appliances to live without in our modern society.
But electricity is a survival tool like any other – it’s just intangible and non-material. But extremely useful.
Electricity is a versatile tool that helps achieve many survival related goals. Heat, light, cooking, entertainment, communication, construction.
The applications are endless.
The best part is, building DIY generators does not require the intellect of Nicola Tesla.
Or even a degree in electrical engineering.
You can buy energy generators and have them installed on your property. Or you can build your own. DIY generators are extremely helpful tools. And they can even serve to increase the sustainability of your off-the-grid outpost.
Building your own generator is a skill that makes a huge difference in a “SHTF” situation. Even if you don’t plan to make a DIY generator today, just knowing “how” is a valuable skill to have at your disposal.
Here is an amazing instructional YouTube video, which can be of help if you want to design the above generator.
The next thing you’ll need is a simple treadmill. They have exactly what you need – a DC motor. Also, you need to know that the motor much produce higher voltage than the intended device for charging needs. A simple example – if you want to charge a battery set of 12 volts DC, your motor must produce at least 13-14 volts. An average treadmill can produce much more – about 90 volts. This means that you don’t even have to paddle so fast in order to charge your intended gadget.
Next, prepare a simple frame stand, on which you will position the back wheel of the bike. You can assemble one yourself, keeping in mind that the back wheel must be slightly elevated and not touch the ground. The frame needs to have two wooden boards to keep the wheel elevated, so they have to be vertically fixed. The base can be another wooden board.
Once you did that, it’s time to prepare the back wheel. Take it off the bike and remove the outer tire. It should be flattened and look like a rotating belt. Attach the belt tire to the motor and stretch it between the wheel and the motor. You can now reattach the bike’s wheel back on.
To keep the wheel steady you can use additional extended pegs so they hang better the wheel. As much as it should be free to rotate, it must not fall or break.
Also, it’s best to attach the DC motor to a wooden board, ideally to one to which you already had attached the entire bike. This will be a much steadier setting.
And finally, use a charge controller and attach it to the batteries, gadget, phone, etc, so that it can be an overload buffer. This is in case you charge a bit more and a charge controller will protect the device/battery. Keeping an eye on the voltage is also a good idea, and if you prefer it that way you can simply attach a volt meter to the bike to be constantly aware of how much voltage you produce.
And here’s a detailed video on how to turn an old cordless drill into a wind turbine.
A side benefit of both wind and water energy is that they’re environmentally sustainable. Using these natural resources (wind and water flow) to generate power doesn’t release pollutants in the process.
It’s possible to generate small amounts of “free” energy but nothing I know of has been invented to do so at great scale. However, it’s a source of energy to keep an eye on because, in our modern world, new inventions are always being created and developed.
Now the sun’s rays are free but collecting it and converting it into usable energy is not.
However, you can cut the costs of installing a solar system significantly if you understand how it works and how to build your own DIY Solar Power System
Due to the free energy opportunity seen from these sources, a homemade generator maybe a good way to greatly reduce the monthly electric bill. We all want to save more from our monthly budget, but because of numerous expenses and to add, the expensive price of electric power, more and more families are left unready for emergency expenditures. By using a homemade generator, you can light up all the bulbs and run electric appliances without the high cost of your
Maybe you are thinking now on how to make a homemade generator for your homes. Making one does not really require being so knowledgeable in electrical engineering. In fact even housewives can make a homemade generator. You just need to learn the basic knowledge in making an electric circuit. The only difference is, the power source will not be in a form of battery but rather, from a natural source like sunlight and wind. If you have totally no background on electric stuffs, step by step procedures on how to make a homemade generator are available through the internet.
Homemade generator can be made from either a solar source of energy or from wind current. Solar homemade generator make use of the same concept with solar powered communities. Solar panels are being used to absorb solar energy from the sun. These panels are made up of smaller compartments called solar cells. These cells are the ones responsible for storing or giving off absorbed solar energy.
Wind generators, on the other hand basically gather energy source from wind currents. It mainly depends on how vigorous the wind blows over an area. Homemade wind generators are made up of light materials such as PVC or polyvinyl chloride pipes, set of copper wires, wood boards and an alternator unit to convert wind energy into electrical energy.
Homemade generator is very useful when it comes to power saving tips. These kind of generators are really must have for every house hold.
How to make a homemade generator with household items No #1: DIY Solar Power System
How to make a homemade generator with household items No #2 - Electric hack:
Homemade generator with household items - Plan:
More Details: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
See more Homemade Generator Plans: Top 6 Ways to Generate Your Own Power
Maybe you’re preparing for a long-term emergency and want to generate your own power if the grid gets wiped out.
Maybe you’re living in a cabin in the wilderness, sustained by the land, supported by Mother Nature.
Perhaps you dream of off-grid independence and self-reliance.
Maybe you’d like to knock a few dollars off your electric bill or even get rid of it completely.
Maybe you don’t feel like spending the money on something like The Patriot Power Generator.
Or maybe you want to do it for the pure joy of making functional science.
Regardless of your reason, the goal is always the same; to produce and consume your own electricity.
Now, living off the grid doesn’t require electricity. You can go off grid without it. Human beings have survived all across the world for tens of thousands of years without it.
It’s possible to make camp and sustain yourself without electricity. Instead of light bulbs, use candles. Forget the furnace, use the heat from a fireplace. Instead of an oven, use a wood-stove and thick blankets. You can make it with the right set of survival books, and woodsman know-how.
But electricity makes life a lot easier. And most would also agree it makes like better.
For example, a refrigerator and freezer are very difficult appliances to live without in our modern society.
But electricity is a survival tool like any other – it’s just intangible and non-material. But extremely useful.
Electricity is a versatile tool that helps achieve many survival related goals. Heat, light, cooking, entertainment, communication, construction.
The applications are endless.
The best part is, building DIY generators does not require the intellect of Nicola Tesla.
Or even a degree in electrical engineering.
You can buy energy generators and have them installed on your property. Or you can build your own. DIY generators are extremely helpful tools. And they can even serve to increase the sustainability of your off-the-grid outpost.
Building your own generator is a skill that makes a huge difference in a “SHTF” situation. Even if you don’t plan to make a DIY generator today, just knowing “how” is a valuable skill to have at your disposal.
How to make your own electric generator
There’s more than one way to skin a cat. Right? If you want DIY electricity, you can look to the sky, look to the sea, look in the ground, look in your garage…
The potential for electrical generation is everywhere.
This is good because no matter the situation, the possibility for electricity generation is there. You just need to understand how to harness it.
For this reason, I’ve compiled a very brief, but comprehensive list of DIY generators.
Hand-drill electrical generator
You’ll need a hand drill, kitchen utensils or similar, thread, aluminum foil, sticky tape, phone and its charger, and a wooden plate.
Take the charger and cut with scissors the charging end (if it’s a smart phone, cut the USB end). Remove the plastic insulator so you see the four thin cables – red, white, green and black. Remove their plastic coating as well. Do this thing on the USB cut end, and on the other end. Prepare the small inner cables of different colors.
Next, take the hand drill and tighten the head entirely, it shouldn’t be loose at all. You should also remove the protective cap at the bottom of the handle, where you will have to attach the charger’s cables later.
Next, take the thread and begin rolling it around the drill, around the head and handle. The idea is to tie it securely around the wooden plate. You can substitute the thread with a duct tape if you want. That could possibly make the setting even more secure.
For the next step you could use a mixer beater to plug into the hand drill. It should also stay stable and in no way remain loose. If you suspect it may fall, then substitute it with another similar item.
Then take the aluminum foil and shape two pieces of it into long stripes. Each piece can be 15-20 inches long. Flatten then well and plug each end into the corresponding electrical end of the hand drill itself. Make sure they make a good connection with the drill. Roll the sticking ends so they resemble more cylindrical shapes. Flatten then to the wooden board and secure them with the thread/duct tape. Take the cut charger piece and prepare the red and black ends of the cables and attach each to the corresponding aluminum foil ends.
Take a wooden kitchen spoon wide enough to thread it through the mixer beater, but so it can remain there steadily. This will be the hand crank. Begin rotating the hand crank. You will need a lot of patience and strength to keep doing this until your phone battery gets fully loaded. If you need the phone just to make a call, you may have to hand crank a little less.
With this same setting you can recharge batteries, light bulbs, led bulbs and other electrical devices.
Bicycle-powered generator
If you have a bicycle you can use it, otherwise, find some old refurbished bike. You don’t even have to pay for it; simply look for some salvaged bikes and materials to construct the generator. It is important to know that for this to work, your bike should be at least in some good state. If it’s not you may only need some penetrating oil to give life to the chain and clean the rust away from the bike if there’s any here and there.The next thing you’ll need is a simple treadmill. They have exactly what you need – a DC motor. Also, you need to know that the motor much produce higher voltage than the intended device for charging needs. A simple example – if you want to charge a battery set of 12 volts DC, your motor must produce at least 13-14 volts. An average treadmill can produce much more – about 90 volts. This means that you don’t even have to paddle so fast in order to charge your intended gadget.
Next, prepare a simple frame stand, on which you will position the back wheel of the bike. You can assemble one yourself, keeping in mind that the back wheel must be slightly elevated and not touch the ground. The frame needs to have two wooden boards to keep the wheel elevated, so they have to be vertically fixed. The base can be another wooden board.
Once you did that, it’s time to prepare the back wheel. Take it off the bike and remove the outer tire. It should be flattened and look like a rotating belt. Attach the belt tire to the motor and stretch it between the wheel and the motor. You can now reattach the bike’s wheel back on.
To keep the wheel steady you can use additional extended pegs so they hang better the wheel. As much as it should be free to rotate, it must not fall or break.
Also, it’s best to attach the DC motor to a wooden board, ideally to one to which you already had attached the entire bike. This will be a much steadier setting.
And finally, use a charge controller and attach it to the batteries, gadget, phone, etc, so that it can be an overload buffer. This is in case you charge a bit more and a charge controller will protect the device/battery. Keeping an eye on the voltage is also a good idea, and if you prefer it that way you can simply attach a volt meter to the bike to be constantly aware of how much voltage you produce.
Wind-powered generator
Just behind hydroelectric energy, wind is one of the next best options.
The basic idea is the same – large blades capture the wind’s momentum, and transfer it to a Rotor/Stator setup.
Unfortunately, wind turbines present a problem for the average Joe. They usually require ongoing upkeep and maintenance.
That’s why most large-scale wind farms have a team of highly trained, highly skilled engineers. They’ve been trained specifically to manage these wind turbines. But it’s becoming easier.
The most important aspect of setting up a wind turbine is investing in an efficient Rotor/Stator set up. A turbine setup that allows you to capture as much of the wind as possible.
However, this only really works in windy regions. Wind doesn’t do you any good if you live in a place where the air is perpetually still (or even unpredictable).
You need a lot of consistent, reliable winds if you want your DIY wind-powered electric generator to pay off.
A side benefit of both wind and water energy is that they’re environmentally sustainable. Using these natural resources (wind and water flow) to generate power doesn’t release pollutants in the process.
Atmospheric Energy Generator
Our atmosphere is full of this potential electrical energy waiting to be tapped. But that’s the challenge, how can you tap this energy for use and consumption?It’s possible to generate small amounts of “free” energy but nothing I know of has been invented to do so at great scale. However, it’s a source of energy to keep an eye on because, in our modern world, new inventions are always being created and developed.
Solar Power
Everyone knows about solar and that fact that many homes are either fully or partly powered by solar.Now the sun’s rays are free but collecting it and converting it into usable energy is not.
However, you can cut the costs of installing a solar system significantly if you understand how it works and how to build your own DIY Solar Power System
Homemade generator with household items - The Ultimate Power Saving Tool!
We are now living an ever busy world where almost everything we see is being run by electricity. But like all the resources that we use in our everyday lives, electricity is getting more expensive day by day. Skyrocketing price of electric bills often give a headache to most home owners. But on the bright side, scientists have found out that renewable energies can generate electricity for free. When we talk about renewable energy, we refer to the natural power sources in our planet. Wind, thermal energy from the core of the earth and solar energy are just some of the free energy sources which are abundantly distributed in our world.Due to the free energy opportunity seen from these sources, a homemade generator maybe a good way to greatly reduce the monthly electric bill. We all want to save more from our monthly budget, but because of numerous expenses and to add, the expensive price of electric power, more and more families are left unready for emergency expenditures. By using a homemade generator, you can light up all the bulbs and run electric appliances without the high cost of your
Maybe you are thinking now on how to make a homemade generator for your homes. Making one does not really require being so knowledgeable in electrical engineering. In fact even housewives can make a homemade generator. You just need to learn the basic knowledge in making an electric circuit. The only difference is, the power source will not be in a form of battery but rather, from a natural source like sunlight and wind. If you have totally no background on electric stuffs, step by step procedures on how to make a homemade generator are available through the internet.
Homemade generator can be made from either a solar source of energy or from wind current. Solar homemade generator make use of the same concept with solar powered communities. Solar panels are being used to absorb solar energy from the sun. These panels are made up of smaller compartments called solar cells. These cells are the ones responsible for storing or giving off absorbed solar energy.
Wind generators, on the other hand basically gather energy source from wind currents. It mainly depends on how vigorous the wind blows over an area. Homemade wind generators are made up of light materials such as PVC or polyvinyl chloride pipes, set of copper wires, wood boards and an alternator unit to convert wind energy into electrical energy.
Homemade generator is very useful when it comes to power saving tips. These kind of generators are really must have for every house hold.
How to make a homemade generator with household items No #1: DIY Solar Power System
How to make a homemade generator with household items No #2 - Electric hack:
Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
The design includes:
- Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
- Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
- Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
- Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity
- Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
Homemade generator with household items - Plan:
More Details: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
See more Homemade Generator Plans: Top 6 Ways to Generate Your Own Power
How to make a homemade generator with household items
Reviewed by BiT
5:27 AM

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